ASP.NET MVC 3 로의 개발을 위해 아래와 같은 사전 준비 절차가 필요합니다.
사전 준비 및 개발 단계가 진행됨에 따라 추가 내용을 등록 할 예정입니다.
1. Visual Studio 2010 설치
Visual Studio 2010 또는 Express Edition 사용
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2. ASP.NET MVC3 추가 설치
ASP.NET MVC 3 is a framework for building scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns and the power of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework.
It installs side-by-side with ASP.NET MVC 2, so get started using it today! |
3. ASP.NET 소개
ASP.NET is a free web framework that enables great Web applications. Used by millions of developers, it runs some of the biggest sites in the world. Learn More |
4. MVC3 소개
This tutorial will teach you the basics of building an ASP.NET MVC Web application using Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express, which is a free version of Microsoft Visual Studio. Before you start, make sure you have the following installed using the Web Platform Installer. |
5. ASP.NET MVC3 강좌
Building Data-Centric Web Apps with ASP.NET MVC and Ext JS
6. 도움 사이트들
Microsoft Web