'Study/Ext JS'에 해당되는 글 37건
- 2011.07.08 Multiple file upload using ExtJS & ASP.Net MVC
- 2011.06.06 ExtJS - vbox Layout with Forms
- 2011.05.20 ExtJS - 프로퍼티 그리드 사용 예제
- 2011.05.20 ExtJS - config 사용 예제
- 2011.05.03 EXT JS - Form load and submit
- 2011.04.28 EXJ JS - 인벤토리 구현
- 2011.04.28 EXT JS - MessageWindow
- 2011.04.28 EXT JS - Grid in Card Layout
- 2011.04.28 EXJ JS - Grid in An Accordion
- 2011.04.28 EXT JS - CheckTreePanel in Form
Study/Ext JS2011. 7. 8. 09:14
Study/Ext JS2011. 6. 6. 15:00
Study/Ext JS2011. 5. 20. 17:56
Example.TestPropertyGrid = new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
nameText: '입력항목',
width: 300,
autoHeight: true,
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
'갱신여부': '신규',
'승인여부': '예'
var propertyGrid = new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
title: 'Properties Grid',
id: 'propGrid',
autoHeight: true,
width: 300,
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
// renderTo: 'grid-ct',
source: {} //initialize source config object
var propertyStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
autoLoad: true, //autoload the data
url: 'getproperties.php',
root: 'props',
fields: ['First name', 'Last name', 'E-mail'],
listeners: {
load: {
fn: function (store, records, options) {
// get the property grid component
var propGrid = Ext.getCmp('propGrid');
// make sure the property grid exists
if (propGrid) {
// populate the property grid with store data
Study/Ext JS2011. 5. 20. 14:51
Study/Ext JS2011. 5. 3. 09:42
Study/Ext JS2011. 4. 28. 11:34
Study/Ext JS2011. 4. 28. 11:33
Study/Ext JS2011. 4. 28. 11:25
Study/Ext JS2011. 4. 28. 11:23
Study/Ext JS2011. 4. 28. 11:17